Living With Hope Counseling

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Feeling Isolated- What To Do

I have met many people who feel very lonely/, all alone and isolated. Many of these people have people in their lives and even in their homes.

You can feel lonelier with someone than being all alone by yourself. 

Feeling all alone and isolated can be a devastating feeling. 

Here are some things that may be helpful when you feel this way:

Reach out to someone, even if it is out of your comfort zone. 

Reach out to someone even if it is to someone that you may not be close with such as a neighbor for example- just to have contact with a human. 

Reach out to a church. 

Reach out to a social group such as 'Meet Up' groups in which are nation wide and you can look them up on line.

Reach out to someone and try to be social. Then, reach out to someone who you believe that you can trust to talk to about your feelings such as a counselor or again- a church staff member for example.

Research and attend a support group. 

Call / reach out to someone that you know or put yourself in places and situations in which you can meet new people.

Demonstrate self- care and self- love. This is different for different people. Ask yourself what you can do to help yourself feel better and to lift your spirits.

Journal, draw, paint, listen to music, pray, read, pursue a passion or hobby.

If nothing changes, nothing changes. 

Do something different and make a positive change in your life and seek support.

  Be a HOPE CHANGER in your own life and in the lives of others!  

Demonstrate self-care and optimism to  facilitate healing and encourage others!

Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor 

Changing Lives with God's HOPE!

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

  Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........