My Daily Super Smoothie- Healthy and Delicious!
I used to
think that any kind of smoothie was healthy but this is not true.
The way that
I eat which is very healthy has been a gradual progression. After much research and experimentation, I have learned how to make a healthy and delicious smoothie.
Now for the most part, no two smoothies that I make are exactly alike. I like to alternate different fruits and veggies for optimum health benefits. However, here is an example of a basic and very healthy smoothie.
Now for the most part, no two smoothies that I make are exactly alike. I like to alternate different fruits and veggies for optimum health benefits. However, here is an example of a basic and very healthy smoothie.
I start out with a liquid.
I either
use a vegetable juice that I made from my own juicer or carrot juice from Bolt
House Farms. When I juice my own juice, I usually juice carrots, celery, broccoli, beets, apples, and kale.
Sometimes I
use Kefir which is liquid probiotic drink. I have also used green tea that I made myself from a tea bag.
I then add frozen fruit.
This helps
to make it tasty and thick like a shake. I use a half of a frozen banana and
then a variety of frozen berries such as strawberries, blueberries,
raspberries, and black berries.
Some times I add kiwi, pineapple, peaches, or grapes.
If you only
have fruit, that it is too much sugar. Yes, it is a natural sugar but it is still a sugar.
I usually
cut up some celery, broccoli, or cucumbers and then I add some spinach leaves or kale in
I also cut up a small carrot to get the nutrition benefits that is different than juicing.
I also cut up a small carrot to get the nutrition benefits that is different than juicing.
I also add part of an avocado.
This is a healthy
fat and helps to make it creamy.
I buy and add green barley powder and wheat grass powder by putting in a portion of a spoonful of both.
Both can be found at health food stores or you can make your own - with a lot of effort.
I also add turmeric powder because it is extremely healthy and helps protect against cancer.
You can either buy it and grind it into a powder yourself or buy it in powder form at a health food store.
Turmeric has MANY health benefits!
Next, the nuts and seeds.
I try to add one or more of the following into my smoothie: Flax seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, or pecans. I grind them into a powder form right as I am making my smoothie so I can add in the powder fresh. Sometimes, I also add liquid flax seed oil.
If you will eat the nuts plain, skip putting them into your smoothie and just stick with the flax seeds. Pictured to the left are brown flax seeds and then after they are ground into a powder. They come in brown or a golden color. Flaxseeds are a a great source of fiber.
Next, I add a lemon.
I just peel
the lemon like an orange, cut the seeds out, and add it in. Lemons are so very healthy!! They have multiple health benefits and I like to add them because their strong taste zaps out the not so tasty turmeric and green powders.
I also add some powder coca some
Coca is healthy
if it is raw and organic from a health food store and does not contain sugar.
How about some lentils!
How about some lentils!
I cook lentils and then let them cool and add a little in my smoothie some times.They are rich in dietary fiber and protein.
Optional- protein powder.
Many protein
powders have a lot of ingredients that are not healthy. If you want to add a protein powder, I suggest that you purchase one that does not have artificial and unhealthy
ingredients. Thus, it will be one of the most expensive protein powders at the health
food store but worth it!
I use the
brand Jay Robb. It is NON GMO and organic. I like both the egg white chocolate or the whey chocolate protein powder. Grocery stores actually
sell some of the flavors but a health food store will have more to choose from.
Another option is yogurt.
It depends
if you are trying to stay away from dairy or not. If I use a yogurt, I use an
organic brand and only use a half of a small container in each smoothie.
You can add and/ or substitute any
fresh fruit or veggie as well as any raw seeds or nuts. If money was no option- I would buy every kind of fruit and veggie that there is at the store!
The key is that if you really want to make it healthy, your
smoothie needs to be more than yogurt and fruit if you are going to have them frequently.
Yogurt is acidic and fruit is sugar so you need greens to balance your diet to
achieve the needed alkaline in your body. If your body is too acidic, disease can grow.
My suggestion is to make one small change / purchase at a time to work toward eating healthier and making your smoothies healthier!
It is best not to mix fruits and veggies in the same meal unless you are juicing them. However, I personally would not get the greens down without the help from my tasty frozen berries! I have at least two of these smoothies a day and it is a meal for me.
The KEY is to add healthy ingredients in your smoothie that you would not want to sit down and eat plain but that you want in your diet. For instance, I do not like to eat celery so I juice celery for part of my liquid in a smoothie and I also cut celery up to add in my smoothies.
Another key is to add ingredients into your smoothie that are not easily juiced such as baby spinach.
Experiment, explore, and create a smoothie that is best for YOU!
Eating fruits and vegetables daily reportedly reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke, helps lower blood pressure, helps fight some forms of cancer and helps reduce inflammation.
Here's to your health! Happy smoothie making!
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so." Genesis 1:11
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so." Genesis 1:11
Please share your favorite smoothie recipes below in the comments.