The Anger Stage of Grief- How it Can Be Helpful in Healing
Allow yourself
to feel your anger even though it may seem endless and be very painful.
The more you
allow yourself to feel anger, the more that it will begin to dissipate-- and then
it will facilitate healing.
There will
be other emotions that you will feel as well. However, anger is the emotion we
are most used to managing.
You may feel
anger toward your friends, doctors, your family, yourself, and to God.
anger is extreme pain. This is a natural response to grief as well as feeling abandoned.
Anger can
actually be a strength and an anchor, giving temporary structure to the
nothingness of loss.
At first
grief feels like being lost at sea -such as having no connection to anything.
Then you get
angry and all of a sudden, you have a structure…….. your anger.
This anger can
be a bridge over the open sea….and be something to hold on to.
Your anger is an indication of the
intensity of your love.
Allow yourself to feel anger. Just
try not to take it out on others inappropriately.
Implementing self-care, coping skills,
and seeking counseling can help your healing process.