Breaking Barriers That Are Keeping You From Your Potential- What Are Yours?

What are the biggest barriers that are you keeping you from reaching your potential?
 From your dreams? From making a relationship better? From doing your best at work?

First, think about what you would like to improve or change in your life. Then, think about any possible barriers that may be keeping you from your full potential. 

 Most of the barriers that we have in our lives are in our thinking that we have created ourselves.

They are fear of failure, fear of what others may think of us, fear of living outside of what is comfortable for us, and so on.

They can also be other types of barriers like a lack of motivation, procrastinating, and getting distracted to name a few.

Most barriers are due to irrational thoughts and fear. 

Try listing your irrational thoughts and fears as well as other barriers that you have - and then list what you can do to start changing these and replacing them with LIVING. 

By Diane Gammon M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Now open Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 

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