It Is Not Good To Hold Your Emotions Inside Of You- Find Out Why

When you hold in your emotions and do not talk about them, it can cause a multitude of problems for your body, mind, and health. 

You need to be like a tree and let the dead leaves of your life fall off of you. To do so- you need to get out your emotions and talk about them------ work through them and get to the root of your pain.

1. It can first of all cause physical illness.

  Like stress, keeping in pint up emotions can cause physical illness of many kinds such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and more.

2. Holding in your emotions can also cause mental fatigue. 

Until you talk about and work through emotional disturbances, your brain is carrying them with you all day and night which makes it difficult to concentrate, to remember things, or to move forward in life in many ways.

3. It can also cause sleep disturbances when you hold in your emotions.

 Your brain is carrying around what you will not filter out and process. This can keep up awake all night for many nights and cause months of sleep disturbances. 
             Journal- talk to a friend- seek counseling
             Get out pint up emotions for you health!

                            By Diane Gammon MS

Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Now Open Full-Time: Days, Evenings, and Saturdays.

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Living With Hope Counseling   

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