Happy December! Change How You Deal With Pre-Holiday Stress!

Hello. Happy December! It was nearly 70 degrees here in Nashville today! But it will be cold again soon!

I want to encourage you to make positive changes with how you handle pre-holiday stress.  

I am trying to do my shopping and wrapping earlier this year instead of waiting till near Christmas! I want to be able to enjoy the season instead of hurrying around at the last minute.

I am also going to volunteer as I usually do with also setting boundaries for my personal self care. Sometimes, I tend to overextend. Can anyone relate to that?

Further, I plan to continue to stay on my extremely healthy diet through the holidays. While I believe in an occasional treat, I find it easier not to go off my healthy regimen. 

I am also continuing my daily walk even when it is cold outside! I just bundle up! 

Those are a few things that I plan to do differently with Christmas coming up. 

What about you? How can you de-stress this month?

By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor 

Changing Lives with God's HOPE!

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments
Email- Diane@LivingWithHopeCounseling.com

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........







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