Create a Health Goal Journal Today!
Create a Health Goal Journal Today!

Hello! I want to encourage you today to make yourself a journal about health goals.

You can just purchase a notebook or an inexpensive journal at the dollar store.

First, write down a list of health goals that you have for yourself on the first few pages. They can be for your mental, physical, emotional, and/ or spiritual health.  

Then, write dates for the next week on the blank pages. Then write down at least a couple of specific goals that you have for yourself each day of the week. 

Then as each day passes, write down if you conquered the goal and why or why not.

Then, write down:
any self- care that you did that day---
as well as what you ate--
if you drank water or not--
if you got sunshine/ fresh air--
and if you got any exercise.

Then also rate how you feel each day (both mentally and physically on a scale from 
1- 10.

Next, take a look and try to see if there are any connections with what you ate, if you exercised, demonstrated positive self-talk, drank water, if you did any of your health goals successfully or not- with how you rated on how you felt.

Then you can help yourself to see if--------- you felt stressed all day with anxiety.......... and ate junk food?  

Did you feel depressed and stay on the couch or on social media for hours?

OR did you take a short walk, drink water, reach out to a trusted friend, ate healthy, prayed, took deep breaths, etc. ???

You get the idea.

These are just suggestions on how to create and use your health goal journal. You can tweak it to your specific needs and goals!  

Happy Health Goal Setting!

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........

Diane GammonComment
Anger is Often a Secondary Emotion
I borrowed this from Branches Counseling Center. 

Anger is usually a secondary emotion- a real feeling- but often underneath are other feelings worth exploring.

Can you relate to this?

What do you feel may be some underlying emotions under the anger you are experiencing?

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........

Diane GammonComment
I am sorry for my absence. 
I have been busy with getting married, my honeymoon, moving, and with starting to get settled in my new married life after being single for the past 17 ish years.  

With a couple of moves, I have not been living with internet which has made my blogging a bit of a challenge.  

I hope to do better now!

I hope and pray that you, my readers are having a nice summer thus far. 

I enjoyed going to our local Bluegrass Festival over the weekend! 

I also enjoyed having my birthday over the weekend in which I will write about soon.

Just remember that it is never too late to pursue a new dream/ passion! 

 More soon, Diane

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........

Diane GammonComment
Depression/ Anxiety Support Group Tomorrow Night

Free Support Group Tomorrow Evening For Depression, Anxiety, Trauma and Grief. 
Text Diane at 615-556-8406 to register. 

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson
                               Gammon M.S.
         Clinical Mental Health Counselor 

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........

Diane GammonComment
Let Your Rock Bottom Be Your Solid Ground!
Do you feel as if you have hit rock bottom?

You can think the worst and give into negativity 
you can turn rock bottom into solid ground!  

Let your bottom become a place that you use to turn your life around.

Use your trials to grow and strengthen you. Learn from your mistakes and from challenges.

Choose to stay positive.

Choose to let your difficult situation be a time and place that you move forward in a productive and positive manner.

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

              Diane Davidson Gammon M.S.
             Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Now Open Full-Time: Monday Through Friday,  
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss for  Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

(615) 556-8406


Diane GammonComment
Beyond Failure
For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again. Proverbs 24:16

We make mistakes in our daily lives. When we pursue our aspirations, we often make mistakes and we often fail. We have set backs after set backs and we have disappointments.

 We fail at relationships. We fail at being a parent at times. If we try and we put our necks out in the world to take a chance at something, we could fail multiple times.

Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor company.  However, his early businesses failed and left him completely broke five times before he launched the assembly line for the Ford.

Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken tried and was rejected 1,009 times before a restaurant accepted his recipe for chicken.

We get out hearts broke in relationships and we are reluctant to love again. However, we can grow and learn from our relationship mistakes and move forward a little wiser just like we can move forward from other mistakes.

Don’t stop pursuing the desires of your heart because of rejections. Use any rejection as an opportunity to learn, grow, and perhaps to try even harder with your newly enhanced wisdom and vision. 

The next try could be the one that gets you to where you want to be in life! 

Many broken relationships CAN mend! Forgive and get professional help.

The love of your life...... 
or the new friend that you have prayed for..........
or the job that you have been trying so hard to get..........
could all be just around the corner! 

Don't give up. Don't quit trying.


Implement an effort, allow time, and repeat!

Turn adversity into opportunity! 

Success consists of going from failure to failure
without loss of enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill

Success is a state of mind.
If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.
- Dr. Joyce Brothers

In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail.
- Anonymous

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.  James 1:12

 an oldie but goodie

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........

Diane GammonComment
Stop Joy Robbers!
Do you try to find joy in circumstances and then someone or something comes along and zaps the joy right out of you?

People can try to bring you down, but you are still in control of how you respond to their negativity.

You can chose to draw a boundary line with a person who is negative and not be around them.

If you are not able to distant yourself from them physically, you can chose to mentally rise above their negativity.

You are in charge of your responses to negative people and negative situations.

Take the HIGH road! Chose JOY in your heart and do not allow negativity to ruin your day.

Another way to stop a joy robber is to discipline yourself to avoid whatever is robbing you from your joy.

I saw a woman on television that was on a talk show who stated that getting on face book stole her joy because so many people made it look like they had perfect lives. This bothered her immensely because she felt jealous. She had a loving family and a great life but when she saw what others posted about their lives, it stole her joy that she had. She had to learn to reduce her time on face book so that she could stop her joy robber.

I had a friend who once told me that watching certain movies facilitated her to lose her joy. She said that it was because she believed that most of the movies were inappropriate and she felt that they were robbing her joy in that she was compromising her morals and values by watching them. So, she stopped watching any movies that she felt were not what God wanted her to be exposed to. This helped her to reclaim her joy in life as she felt like she was being obedient to the Lord and thus, being true to her beliefs. 

Think about what could be your joy robbers and stop them.

Claim your joy and hold on tight! Guard your heart and mind from potential joy robbers.

Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Share in the comments how you stop joy robbers.

 an oldie but goodie

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........




Diane GammonComment
Sharing & Responding Your Feelings Respectfully

Have you ever justified a way that you reacted to something or someone based on your feelings and then wished that you had responded differently? 

Our feelings are how we feel, simply put. We feel sad. We feel happy. Our thoughts are what we think about and thinking is a mental process. We can feel one way but chose to use our mind set to respond a different way. 

Feelings are important to be recognized. It is okay to feel upset. It is not okay to react inappropriately from being upset for example, by destroying property or by tearing down people emotionally.

I want to encourage you to allow yourself to feel the way that you do over a given situation. Then, try to ask yourself why you think that you feel this way. Try and understand to make sense of it. Allow yourself to react with how you are feeling - to yourself. Then, try to respond to the situation or person in a way that reflects how you want to demonstrate your character.

Next, I want to encourage you to allow others in your life to feel as they do as well. A kind response to someone who is hurting is to say to them that you understand how that must be hurtful and difficult for them. We all want to be affirmed, especially with how we are feeling. However, we are in control and have choices in how we respond to situations and people. 

We can feel angry but we can also chose to think and take our time to cool down and then to respond to others with respect. 

 an oldie but goodie

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........




Diane GammonComment
Visualizations & Affirmations
Visualizations & Affirmations can be very helpful in our lives!

These practices are like positive thinking and meditation and they offer similar benefits. 

Positive thinking is best practiced in daily life, visualization requires us to pause and dedicate specific time toward imagining a positive outcome. 

Affirmations usually take some directed energy as well. It is helpful to write positive statements or to say them out loud. 

Both techniques work to improve our outlooks in life and to rewire our brains into "solutions mode". 

Reference- Food Matters

 an oldie but goodie

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........




Diane GammonComment
Forgive Yourself & Live Free Of Guilt & Shame

It is difficult to forgive others. It can be even more difficult to forgive yourself for something. 

It is necessary however to be able to free yourself from any guilt and shame that you are experiencing. 

Guilt and shame will just keep eating at you and continue to feed negativity into your mind and spirit. This will affect your mental and physical health. If you feel bad about something that you did – or didn’t do and it is bothering you, it may be time to forgive yourself. 

Past failures and poor decisions are just that….. they are in the past. 

The way that you see yourself is not an accurate picture of what God has done for you and how He sees you. God loves you deeply and completely. When you don’t forgive yourself and let go and take the gift of God’s redemption, you are denying yourself of the gift God gave you. 

You are worthy!!    You are worthy!! 

God has already forgiven you and so he doesn’t want you to feel bad. God wants you to live and peace and to feel his everlasting Love. 

Set yourself free. Don’t choose to focus on feeling bad to try and punish yourself. That is not productive. Make the decision to forgive yourself for anything that you need to forgive yourself for. 

The best thing that you can do is let it go and move forward with what you have learned from the situation.  

Fill in the blank……. Today, I forgive myself for………………………………………………………………

Then, let it go. Fill your spirit with positive thoughts of how you are going to move forward with what you have learned and in loving with perfect peace, the peace that God has placed for you when he died on the cross.

it is a blessing to give and to receive a gift. 

You can honor God by accepting His gift with great joy and begin to see yourself as a new creation in Christ.

Your past failures are forgiven. Forgive yourself. You did the best that you could with where you were, with what you had, and with what you knew- or were capable of----------- let it go. 

Demonstrate self-care and self-love and learn from your past and apply what you learned for a brighter tomorrow!

Isaiah 43:25, "I, even I, am he that blotteth 

out thy transgressions for mine own sake, 

and will not remember thy sins."

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 

 an oldie but goodie

There is always hope! 

CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

 By Diane Davidson Gammon MS
Clinical mental Health Counselor

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

Diane Davidson Gammon Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Michael Loftis LCSW as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days - Monday through Saturday
With Evening Appointments

Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

Free Support Groups for: Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Hopelessness, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, and Grief and Loss (Including Miscarriage/ Stillbirth/ Infant loss)

 Have Hope! Renew Health! and...........




Diane GammonComment