Merry CHRISTmas!
Merry Christmas! Jesus is the reason for the season! I know that this might find many of you sad and feeling all alone. Please remember that you are not alone!You are a child of God and God loves you very much. He has big plans for your life!

I just want to encourage you to have hope and to seek help and support if you feel like you need it.

May you have a blessed and peaceful Christmas!

Diane Gammon, Living With Hope Counseling 615-556-8406
Diane Davidson GammonComment
Depression Hope
If you rearrange the letters in the word depression, you will get this-

“I pressed on!”

Hang on! There is always hope and healing on the horizon! Seek professional help if needed.

Diane Gammon, Living With Hope Counseling
Diane Davidson GammonComment
Be Okay With Not Being Okay
It is Okay tonight be Okay.

 Allow yourself to feel how you are genuinely feeling.

You have to feel before you can heal.

You have to be real before you can heal.

 It is Okay to be in a season in your life of not doing well. Just remember, that it is a season.

Do the best you can with where you are and with what you have. Take one day at a time.

Do what is in your control to do and give the rest to God- and leave it there with Him. All the while- allowing yourself to be real with how you are really feeling.

Diane Gammon
Living With Hope Counseling
Progress, Not Perfection
When we strive for perfection, we can easily disappoint.

 When we strive for progress, we can create and work toward realistic goals.

Think progress, not perfection.

Diane Gammon
Living With Hope Counseling
Love is.... an Action

Love is.....
an action. 

Love is what you do, not want you say.

What are you DOING today to show your love?

If you or someone you know is suicidal, 
please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at:
800-273-TALK (8255) or Text: HOME to 741741.

Finish the sentence!

I want to get healthy so I can...............

You are Worthy!

A safe place to heal.

By Diane Gammon MS
Clinical Mental Health Counselor 
Living With Hope 

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen.

 Diane  Gammon  Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Sherry Knox LPC-MHSP as she pursues  LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days

Monday through Saturday 

With Evening Appointments


Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

 Have Hope! 

Renew and Restore Your Life, 
Relationships and Health! 

Diane GammonComment
Listen To Understand- Not To React
When somebody talks to you, do you listen attentively?

 Do you find yourself only thinking about how you want to reply?

Do you listen to understand or do you listen to react?

Try being a more attentive listener. Listen to understand. Listen to acknowledge the other person‘s feelings. Listen to paraphrase back what you heard. Listen to validate the other person. Respond with love and respect. Listen because you care.

Try holding your reaction back and placing it on the shelf temporarily.

Wait until an appropriate time if you need to respond relating your feelings.

Then when you respond, use I statements and talk with respect.

If you or someone you know is suicidal, 
please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at:
800-273-TALK (8255) or Text: HOME to 741741.

Finish the sentence!

I want to get healthy so I can...............

You are Worthy!

A safe place to heal.

By Diane Gammon MS
Clinical Mental Health Counselor 
Living With Hope 

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. My blogs are for information and inspirational purposes. Please consult your doctor before starting a new health regimen. Diane  Gammon  Arnold MS is clinically supervised by Sherry Knox as she pursues LPC-MHSP licensure

 Open Full-Time Days

Monday through Saturday 

With Evening Appointments


Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions 

 Have Hope! 

Renew and Restore Your Life, 
Relationships and Health! 

Diane GammonComment